Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution proceedings

In business life in particular, situations can sometimes arise that require precise clarification of rights and obligations. But not every legal dispute has to be decided by the state courts.

There are numerous alternatives to traditional civil proceedings that can be utilised. Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) procedures are a sensible and customisable way of accessing the law in private in order to resolve differences efficiently, in a solution-oriented and legally binding manner.

We support and advise you in the drafting of arbitration clauses, arbitration agreements and ADR agreements, develop effective negotiation strategies and represent you not only in institutional arbitration proceedings.

As experienced counsel, we enforce arbitral awards in Switzerland – or in cooperation with our partners abroad – and secure the enforcement substrate by means of attachment if necessary. Many years of experience in complex disputes predestine us for this.

Our range of services includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Representation in national and international arbitration proceedings (e.g. under the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration or ICC Rules of Arbitration)
  • Acting as arbitrator and expert witness
  • Enforcement and appeal of arbitral awards
  • Selection of suitable conflict resolution mechanisms and drafting of corresponding contractual clauses or agreements
  • Representation in out-of-court arbitration proceedings
  • Conducting arbitration proceedings as a neutral arbitrator
  • Representation at and support during adjudications
  • Moderation and conflict management (both within the company and in relation to third parties)
  • Interest-orientated or mediation-oriented negotiation
  • Mediation